Roof Leaking Problem?

The picture here shows some fracturing/creasing in an asphalt shingle.
These fractures/creases are caused by either hail damage or simply an old shingle.
The job of any kind of shingle is to protect the felt that is underneath. Shingle are more weather resistant and designed to take some of mother nature's influences.
Felt or underlayment is what does the work in terms of keeping your home water tight. All though underlayment is behind preventing water leaking into your home. This product is easily damage once a shingle has exposed it to the elements.

There are different types of underlayment roofers can use when applying a new roof or reroofing.
Felt Underlayment
Self-Adhered Underlayment
Synthetic Underlayment
In Mississippi we use synthetic underlayment on roofing jobs we take.
Some reasons behind why we use a synthetic are that
Repels water rather than absorbing it
Less prone to ripping to high winds during installation
Holds nails more securely
Weight is lighter

Stormguard for leak prevention
One product we use for extra protection from leaking is a film-surface leak barrier. This barrier prevents leaks at the most vulnerable areas of your shingle or metal roofing system caused by wind-driven rain, ice dams, and roof settling.
Also this barrier will reduce the risk of costly repairs due to wall or ceiling staining from leaks.
Will also prevent leaks due to water backing up in your gutters.
Click the picture above to read more about StormGuard® Film-Surface Leak barrier